Thursday, February 25, 2016

When Will Texas Stop The Fight Against A Woman's Right?

On February 1, 2016, Leah Kashar from the Daily Texan Online published an article titled, "When will Texas stop the fight against a woman's right?" Leah argues that the Supreme Court needs to "take a stand and establish constitutionality of abortion once and for all". She is opposing against the Supreme Courts decision to get rid of clinics that let women go get abortions.

She mentions how the states 40 abortion clinics have been reduced to 17 so that make it harder for women to go get abortions because their isn't any clinics near them, if they would like to get an abortion they would have to travel further most likely 111 miles away from their home or they need to New Mexico, causing a burden on women.

She makes valid points in her argument and is credible, as it references to the the case between Planned Parenthood V. Casey also that Texas is stubbornly revisiting the issue in HOUSE BILL 2 and the subsequent suit over its constitutionality in Whole Women's Health V. Hellerstedt.

Leah's arguments are intended to persuade others to take a stance against Texas.

Her article is aimed at convincing the audience that Texas must change their unjustly laws against women's rights. It also reinforces this opinion in audience members that agree with her, pushing them to fight harder to make a change.

So here's my opinion i don't believe in abortions i do feel like abortion clinics should be illegal and band from Texas but, She does make sense when she says women should have the right to do what they want for their well being. Although abortion is wrong and a sin i do think if a women is put in a position where they are vulnerable and can not physically and financially support a child at the moment then they need to do whats necessary for them.

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